1. Screening
  2. Your Interview
  3. Decision

Applicant Learning Centre

Currently, we don’t know if you will be invited for the an interview. However, here you can preview some materials which might help you better prepare for it.

Group Exercise

If you have applied for a position in Audit or Consulting, you might be introduced to a group exercise. 

Group exercises give us insights into your typical behavioural style when collaborating with others. We use this to evaluate whether your preferred work style aligns with the skills we’re looking for. 

The tasks may vary depending on the business area and the position for which you applied. In some cases, the exercise reflects a typical work situation you could find yourself in when you work at Deloitte. Other times it covers a more general topic.
During the exercise, we will typically be looking at:
  • How you build relationships and work with others
  • Your approach to problem-solving
  • Your adaptability and ability to think on your feet
  • Your critical thinking skills
  • Your ability to focus on getting results
Be aware; you might be thrown a curveball as some extra piece of information could be introduced to you halfway through the activities.
You’ll be pleased to know the group exercise can be fun too! Use the exercise to get a feel for our culture and meet other candidates who could become your colleagues in the future.

Other materials

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