1. Screening
  2. Your Interview
  3. Decision

Applicant Learning Centre


What to Expect?

We want your interview to be a positive experience. The interview is the best opportunity for us to get to know each other and evaluate whether you are a good fit for the role. We use various interview questions to explore what motivates you and learn more about your strengths, the ideas you have and how these align with the skills we’re looking for in the role.

Interviews tend to last an hour to one and a half. Your interviewer will cover a range of areas, including desired qualifications that we are looking for in the role. They will ask an initial question and some follow-up questions to explore your response in more depth. To keep things interesting, we’ll ask you different types of questions as we go through the interview, all designed to get to know you better. We want the discussion to be two-way, so you’ll have plenty of opportunities to ask questions too.

Different question types:


These questions help us understand your interests, motivations, and knowledge of subjects related to the work area and the role.


We ask for examples to explore how you handled certain situations in the past and understand what skills you have developed through former experiences.


Scenario-based questions allow us to discuss how you would handle a possible work-related situation or problem.

About you

We want to understand who you are. So we may ask about your values, interest and what behaviours you bring to work.


These questions give us insight into your thoughts and ideas in response to general topic areas.

Your questions

Remember to ask questions that can help you evaluate whether Deloitte and the role is the right fit for you.

When you interview with Deloitte, our recruiters use the STAR method for our past-example questions. It enables us to focus the interview around your competencies based on the belief that the most valid indicator of future behaviour is past behaviour. So, if we know there will be a high focus on teamwork in the position, we will ask you to describe a previous situation where you worked in a group.

STAR is an acronym for:


What was the situation in which you found yourself?


What was the specific task you tried to solve?


What action did you take to achieve the task?


What was the outcome of your actions?

After you have explained the situation, we might have some follow-up questions such as:
  • What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?
  • How did the situation make you feel?
  • What did you learn?

Other materials

Do you have any questions for us?
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